There is truly nothing worse than to discover that you have mould in your home. Aside from the obvious health and cosmetic damage it can cause there is something about knowing there is something living in your home that is ultimately very creepy to me.
If you’re performing renovations in your basement, bathroom, or any area of your home that sees a lot of moisture, you may encounter mould. Mould can easily hide behind tiles and drywall, and can be found anywhere in the home.
You can’t rely on the naked eye, to identify moulds and their health risks. Home test kits can be unreliable: not only are you not an expert but the tools can often be faulty if not used correctly.
Since it’s normal for mould to be present in the air and in buildings, its mere existence is not necessarily a cause for alarm. However, if indoor air levels of mould are higher than outdoor air levels, or if a significant mould colony is growing on building surfaces, it could be a cause for concern. For this reason, we advise homeowners to have a mould inspection performed if there is any indication that a substantial amount of mould is present in the home. A mould inspection includes:
- A complete visual inspection of the entire home from the basement to the attic for signs of water intrusion and mould growth
- Moisture readings collected throughout the home
- Two indoor air samples and one outdoor air sample (for reference)
- A report, which summarizes the results of the sample and investigation
An environmental specialist will help to identify the type of mould in your home, its concentration, and advise you on remediation costs and approaches.